Robin Hood (2010)If you remember the list of my Top Ten Most Anticipated of 2010, then you remember that Robin Hood was sitting pretty, atop the pile in the #1 spot.

So what did I have to say about it almost three months ago?

“Robin Hood is one of my favorite literary figures, so I’m understandably excited that there’s a new Robin Hood movie being made.  Gladiator was one of the greatest historical epics of all time, so the reunion of Ridley Scott and Russell Crowe is promising.  It’s also promising that they abandoned some of the weird ideas that they were toying with back when they were calling it Nottingham.  The trailer doesn’t show much, except for lots of epic looking battles, but the tone seems darker and grittier than most other Robin Hood movies (the awful Prince of Thieves being the one possible exception), which could go either way.  Just please, God, don’t let them try to make it nuanced.”

So, how did it turn out?  Glad you asked! Read the rest of this entry »

Good evening movie loving persons. These are my top 25 movie recommendations of this decade. Unlike some of the other lists, my choices are in no particular order as I have trouble deciding between them. So if a movie seems to be higher or lower on the list than you think it should be, don’t take it too personally. There will be more detailed reviews of these movies posted later. As these are recommendations, it seemed to make little sense to spoil them before you’ve had a chance to watch them.

Lord of the Rings (2001, 2002, 2003)

One of the greatest book series of all time becomes one of the greatest movie trilogies of all time. Everything in this newly created Middle Earth was greatly detailed, from the costumes to the buildings, to the weapons and food. The cast and their performances are also no less than spectacular.  Peter Jackson really knew what he was getting himself into. But I don’t need to justify why these films are the best of our generation, they can do that for themselves.

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